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I was finally introduced to this young lady I had a crush on. We started dating and everything seemed perfect. A dream come true. Two months after dating she started criticizing my clothes, the way I talk, how I ate and she often called me an “idiot.” Shortly after, she started getting controlling not wanting me to hang with male or female friends. She got physically violent with me 3 times and I didn’t know what to do. She had practically moved in and I had no place else to go. I contacted PCWC Outreach office worked with a supportive counselor who did safety planning, DV education and supportive counseling with me. I started to build my confidence and learned this wasn’t the relationship I wanted to be in. Within time I gained the courage to ask her to leave. She did not leave quietly, I worked with PCWC Legal Advocate who aided me in the process of attaining a Final Restraining Order and her removed from my home. It wasn’t easy but a lot easier with PCWC supporting me through the way.

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